
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Smile is Never Far Behind

So, apparently, my last blog was a bit of a tear jerker for some people in my family.  Therefore, I would like to make sure I share a smile with everyone.  Because, although I believe it's OK to cry, I also believe a smile is never far behind.

Isaac has been doing some wonderful things this week.  First, he is talking up a storm.  I mean really talking and being understood by more people.  We saw one great benefit of this on Saturday as I was leaving to drop Kimball off to work at a friends house for the day.  I heard some noises that indicated to me that Isaac was playing under our end table in the living room.  His voice sounded as though he was playing pretend and gabbering away as he does.  When suddenly I heard a faint, "I'm stuck."  Then, I heard it again.  I stopped at the door and turned back.
"Are you really stuck, Isaac?" I asked.
"Yes.  I"m stuck.  I need help."
Whoa!  You cannot imagine how many times I have found Isaac stuck somewhere not knowing how to get help.  I was overjoyed as I went to un-stick my living room adventurer, a smile beaming on my face.

Another happy moment came as I was working with Isaac as he made his breakfast.  We have been working on this for a few months now.  When I began the process, I figured the microwave would be the biggest challenge.  I thought maybe I'd have to put stickers on the appropriate buttons.  It turns out the microwave was a cinch.  It was his favorite part, no stickers needed.  The freezer, however, proved very difficult for him to open.  I have him stand on a step stool in front of the cabinets right next to the fridge, that way he can reach a plate and not get knocked over by the freezer door when it opens.  But, because of the positioning he would pull the handle towards himself instead of out.  I figured it would just take a few days for him to unravel that mystery, but he continued to need my one finger, feather of a touch to get the freezer open.  Well, this week we had a break through.  I suggested he grab the freezer door next to the seal with both hands and open it like you or I might open a heavy wall safe that had it's door just slightly ajar.  It worked!  The freezer door swung open.  The safe was cracked and he reached in for his spoils.  His favorite frozen pancakes.  Yippee!  Smiles all around.

Another thing I have gained this week is tons and tons of unsolicited hugs and kisses.  This is a marvelous and very unexpected surprise.  Isaac has been becoming more of a big boy all year and has been less likely to accept or give out these treasures.  Now, he is suddenly on a I-love-my-mommy kick and I am drinking in all in.  It may take us longer to get ready in the morning and my cheeks may be a bit slobbery, but I'm definitely smiling.

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